Work From Home Resolutions for 2022

The pandemic has forced us to reconsider what we define as ‘normal,’ especially when it comes to working. When cases first began rising over two years ago, most companies pivoted to a work-from-home model that allowed employees to continue working safely and efficiently from the comfort of their own homes. In theory, this sounds great. However, it can be difficult to maintain healthy boundaries between work and home when the two are so closely intertwined. Not only that, but too often, we may find ourselves getting stuck in a routine of sitting at our desks and staring at a screen all day, with little outside interaction.

Now, two years into the pandemic, a lot of us are still working from home and don’t see an end in sight. So, we’re offering some fun work-from-home resolutions that you can adopt in 2022 that will offer some much-needed work-life balance in your life.

Begin each day with an alarm clock, instead of a phone.

Now that cell phones and technology are everywhere, we often find ourselves putting our phones beside us while we sleep, whether they’re being used as alarm clocks, or we simply don’t want to be too far away from them. The downside to this is that we may be woken up in the middle of the night by phone alerts or even worse, we may start our days by immediately checking our phones for work-related messages or emails. Though you might be tempted to check in on work, for the sake of you and your mental health, we recommend sleeping far enough away from your phone that it doesn’t distract you from your sleep. If you use your phone to wake up in the morning, try using an alarm clock instead. Bonus points if the alarm clock has features that wake you up with the relaxing sound of music or light to kick start your circadian rhythm.

Take a break from the screens and make screen time more intentional.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to establish boundaries between work and home. Just because your phone or your laptop are sitting out doesn’t mean that you must constantly check them or be consumed by work. We urge you to put away the constant work reminders so you can start to feel at ease in your own home again. If you can’t help yourself and find yourself checking your computer late at night, we suggest trying blue light glasses to minimize the strain on your eyes. Additionally, make your screen time more intentional by setting usage limits on your phone or blocking out time in your day to work on your computer or respond to emails. In doing so, you’ll find that you’re more organized and way less stressed.

Get up and move every day.

The benefits of moving your body cannot be overstated. Not only will you feel better, but you’ll also reduce stress, be more productive, and feel a sense of accomplishment after you work out. Whether you prefer to attend in-person classes for a social boost, work out using online fitness videos in the comfort of your own home, or get active by heading outdoors and reconnecting with nature, there are a myriad of fun, amazing ways to honor this ritual. Your body will thank you!

Treat yourself to lunch.

When you’re working from home all day, taking yourself out to lunch can feel like a nice change of pace. Many restaurants are offering great lunch specials, so not only will you enjoy delicious food, but you’ll also be supporting a small business, which is so important right now. If heading out for lunch isn’t your thing, why not try cooking a new recipe this week? The simple act of switching things up while trying new things can do wonders for the psyche.

Refresh your home.

To avoid the monotony of working from home, it’s essential that you love where you’re working and living. If you feel like you’re in a rut or need a change, consider giving your space a mini makeover by rearranging furniture, doing a DIY home project, or simply incorporating more wellness elements into your home. Some of our favorite ways to do this are by burning scented candles, breathing in herbal oils that help with focus or energy, and adding plants to make your space come alive, literally.

Boost your energy.

If you tend to feel sluggish working from home or struggle to get back to work after your lunch break, you may need some natural energy boosters. Whether you prefer to get your daily dose through vitamins, tinctures, sunlight, or coffee, choose what makes you feel your brightest so you can tackle the rest of your day and still have time for fun things once your workday is over.

Leave your work at your (home) office.

Having our offices in our homes can make it hard to take a step back and leave the work behind at the end of the day. However, it’s imperative that you do it for your own sake and sanity. We urge you to close your laptop, put away your to-do list, and clock out from work at an appropriate hour so that you can dedicate your after-work hours to doing what you love, whatever that may be. Whether your evenings are filled with workout classes, a delicious dinner, spending time with friends or loved ones, or taking your dog on a walk, this is your time to give back to yourself and congratulate yourself for another hard day at the (home) office!

Health and wellness have always been significant to us and it’s crucial to consider how our work-life balance either contributes to or diminishes our wellbeing. In this new year, we urge you to put yourself first by attempting some of our work-from-home resolutions.

Cheers to a happy, productive, and most importantly, balanced year!

-Ev & Kimberleigh