Expert Tips for Finding Success

Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, yet oftentimes we don’t really understand why we’re doing something while still expecting to succeed. We recently read about six expert-backed tips for finding success, featured in this article from Bustle, and hope you find them helpful as well!

Access Your Greater ‘Why’

We encourage you to think about how much time you dedicate to professional development and ultimately your career. From years spent in college to hours mastering a new skill, this time adds up. According to Certified Master Life Coah, Julie Reisler, “it’s important to periodically take a pause and assess your purpose and passion for your profession, Reisler explains. The same should be done for your life outside of work.” Some questions you can ask yourself are:

  • “Why is my career so important to me right now?”

  • “How might I approach my career with more balance and kindness? What would that look like”?

The goal is to create more harmony in your work life and personal life.

Practice Self Care

Your physical and mental health should be at the top of your priority list. Without these in optimal condition, it can be difficult to function effectively. Pick something you enjoy doing and dedicate time to making it happen consistently. Here are a few ideas:

  • Listen to a guided meditation, audiobook or podcast while walking around your neighborhood or a local park

  • Incorporate aromatherapy - add a scent diffuser to your desk to keep your mind lighter while you work or light a scented candle to enhance a relaxing bathtub soak

Find Opportunities for Movement

The majority of us need to incorporate movement to achieve optimum wellness. Here are just a handful of benefits of frequent movement:

  • Releases endorphins and helps relieve stress

  • Helps emotions move through our bodies

  • Contributes to a sharper memory and clearer thinking

  • Increases your cardiovascular health and provides more endurance throughout the day

  • Benefits your sleep-wake cycle

Maintain Your Connections

Many of us have experienced the urge to cancel plans after a particularly grueling or stressful day. However, it’s important to keep in mind that humans are pack animals by nature and need each other to thrive. According to Founder & CEO of Golden Resources, which offers coaching services, you should “be intentional about connecting with like-minded individuals you can be authentically yourself with.” Share challenges, celebrate wins and have some good laughs! Make plans with friends regularly and stick to them even if it feels like you should be working. It's amazing how energizing a good night with friends can be!”

Seek Outside Support

Sometimes there are situations you need to process or work through that require an outsider’s perspective and expertise. For example, you may not want to discuss your fear of failure or feelings of burnout with your co-workers or your boss. Seeking help from a life coach, therapist or personal trainer are all good options to keep your mental and physical health on track.

Adopt a Daily Mindfulness Practice

Golden notes that “because your nervous system and body is so highly affected by your stress levels and emotions like worry, doubt, fear and overwhelm, I always recommend adopting any kind of daily mindfulness or meditation practice.” This doesn’t mean you have to meditate every day for 40 minutes, but it does mean creating a routine, which can be as short as 5 minutes to start, where you are focusing on your breath and being present in the moment.”

Ev Winningham