WinninghamKing & Associates

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A New Kirkland Community Unlike The Rest

It's part of growing older, we suppose. Perhaps you start to notice it while driving to the store, or when you take an alternate route home that takes you down a road you haven't been down in a while. Land that was once open space has been replaced by homes, parks, or shopping centers. All around us, more and more land is being developed. The Eastside, in particular, has grown tremendously in the last twenty years. It is preparing for yet another growth spurt, largely brought on by Seattle's thriving and expanding tech industry. These expansions will add thousands more workers and residents to the Eastside's central business district, filling the streets with people looking for places to live, work, and play within walking distance.

Every new development community is different; but one new community, The Bridges, is unlike the rest. This new Kirkland community is not just another cookie-cutter group of luxury homes. The Bridges is built on land that was owned for generations by the one family. Instead of being sold to the highest bidding developer, this land is being developed by that same family, and their care and love for this special place shine through in every aspect of the planning and building of these properties.

Each of the 27 lots that make up The Bridges is a little bit different, and the design and placement of each home was carefully considered to ensure that each house is situated to take maximum advantage of its site’s unique natural features. These homes weren’t just built to be sold, they were built to be lived in.

If you or your family is thinking of moving to the Eastside, or is searching for a new home in the area that was thoughtfully constructed to preserve the beauty of this sought after location, be sure to check out The Bridges.

These homes have already begun selling and will continue to be released onto the market through summer 2020.