WinninghamKing & Associates

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Spring Wellness Tips to Be Your Brightest Self

As the weather warms up, many of us are feeling drawn to the outdoors. Even if the day’s schedule won’t allow for a hike, a few moments in the sun to water some plants or walk around the block sound more enticing. Our team holds mental health and wellness in high regard, so with May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we thought it might be helpful to share a few tips to be your best self this season, both mentally and physically.

Make Time to Be Outside

Science does in fact back this up: Being outside is good for you. It’s been proven to lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and intensify focus. Even if you have a busy day ahead, consider enjoying a cup of coffee on your front steps or taking a walk around the block. You might be surprised at what you’ll notice when you’re not focused on driving or looking at a screen, but rather fully engaged with nature. We once noticed that a local park smelled like Christmas trees. A welcome, familiar feeling.

Fill Your Environment with Happy Things

Another way to feel happier and less stressed? Get things that don’t make you happy out of your sight, and replace them with things that do. For the professional working at home, this might be an essential oil diffuser or a family photo next to your desk. For those enjoying leisure time, it might be always having a good book nearby or keeping photo albums within reach. Prioritize things that make you smile, and keep a separate space for stressful items such as paperwork.

Get Rid of Clutter

Keeping with the above item, get rid of things that stress you out. If you have mail that’s reminding you of an issue that’s already been addressed, shred it and get rid of it. If you have old clothes that don’t fit and are taking up space, donate them. If you have cardboard piling up in the garage, take it to a recycling center. Eliminate those stressful items around you that simply don’t need to hang around. Keep your space a center of calm, happiness, and peace.

Exercise Within Your Limits

This looks different for every single person. Not everyone can go to a gym, and not everyone can easily exercise with their body restrictions, maybe due to an injury or something else. That’s okay! Staying active in some format is key. This can be calming and mindful if you choose yoga, or thrilling and exhilarating if you prefer running, kayaking, or biking. You don’t have to belong to a gym to get your body moving and staying fit. Science proves that staying active will help you sleep better, feel less stressed, and be happier.

Remember Your Support Group

One of the key pillars of feeling mentally healthy is remembering that you’re not alone. Even if you live alone, or are separated from your family due to COVID-19 protocol or other factors, you are not alone. Family members, friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances appreciate you and what you bring to this world. Prioritize calling or FaceTiming familiar and friendly faces to keep you reminded of this. As the world continues to open up and operate safely, we are all looking forward to those long overdue hugs. Plan to make some wonderful memories this year.

If you are struggling, please know there are resources to accommodate everyone. Speak to your healthcare provider about what resources may be available through your doctor’s office or a referral. If you don’t have a preferred healthcare provider, online resources are available as well, many at a low cost, too. Consider BetterHelp, Talkspace, or BrightSide.

No matter what, you matter. You are loved and supported. Take steps to be your best self today.


Ev & Kimberleigh