Making Your Own Luck: Ways to Practice Gratitude This March

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After all, rainbows are made of light.

Last spring, the world saw a shift (to say the least), and a lot of people found it difficult to practice gratitude. However, those that did found it to be an anchoring factor in keeping mentally healthy and overcoming challenges. This spring, we want to empower our community to practice gratitude, and in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, manifest their own luck. 

Reserve Time Every Week for Phone Calls

Something many of us forget is that there are family members, friends, and loved ones who are spending most of their time at home, some with minimal human connection. Try to reserve an hour or two every week to check on your friends, family, and neighbors. Catch up for a virtual happy hour, or just a quick Facetime to say hello and ask about what’s going on in their life. You’ll walk away from these experiences with a sense of warmth and gratitude that you know such incredible people. 

Thank One Person for Something Every Day

This could be as simple as saying “thank you” if someone holds the door open for you, or calling on a friend to thank them for being there for you during a challenge. No “thank you” is too small, and guaranteed, each one is noticed. 

Enjoy Some Fresh Air 

This is a must-do as we enter spring and the days become longer and filled with more sunshine. The cherry blossoms will soon be in bloom, the sunsets are out of this world, and getting outside gives you the opportunity not only to feel gratitude for where you live, but also to have experiences that you might be grateful for later one, such as making a new friend, or discovering your new favorite place for a walk. 

Practice Mindfulness

Take a minute to pause and have a moment with your mind. Find a comfortable place, whether it be at home or anywhere else to sit for a few minutes and focus on the present. These tips may be helpful, but know that these practices will help you gain an appreciation for the small things around you. If you’re not sure where to start, check out Headspace for a variety of guided meditations. There’s something for everyone!

When you focus on happiness, you bring light into your life. Practicing gratitude will strengthen that light, and in the end, let you shine to your full potential.

Make your own luck this month, and keep on shining!