Little Things You Can Do to Make Your New Year Brighter in the Midst of Gloomy Weather


The Pacific Northwest is home to some gloomy weather in the early months of the new year, but there are many ways to keep a bright sense of spirit as we await the stunning spring season just around the corner. There’s always a silver lining to rainy weather, so we encourage you to try some of these things to brighten up your day and start the new year off with pockets of peace.

Light A Candle With Your Favorite Scent

There’s something about the smell of a room that can help you feel relaxed and happy. Although a small task, filling your kitchen, living room, or at-home office with your favorite scent is sure to put a smile on your face, and help you feel more at peace. Moreover, the faint glow of a candle against the views of the sky and the calming sound of rain is surely something to savor.

Start A New Book

One of the most popular new year’s resolutions is to read more or start a book you’ve been meaning to pick up, so why not take advantage of a rainy day to do so? If you’d prefer to listen to your favorite stories, audiobooks are a great way to catch up on your reading while exercising, cooking, driving, or walking. Check out what’s most popular here!

Set Aside Time to Meditate

After the many sources of stress that 2020 brought, many are endeavoring to enter 2021 with a greater sense of calm, positive attitude, and stronger mental health, all of which meditation can assist with. Whether you prefer silence or sound, there are resources to help you on your journey to successful mediation if you’re new to it! Some popular favorites include Calm and Headspace, both of which offer guided, tailored meditation programs right from your electronic devices.

Cook A New Recipe

Cooking in your kitchen with a view of the rain can be incredibly relaxing and beautiful. While 2020 was the year of baking bread, both regular and banana, 2021 offers the opportunity to try new recipes that you’ve been meaning to prepare. With dining out being less accessible at the moment, this is a great time to turn on some of your favorite music and get chopping! Here is a great place to find recipes for almost anything.

Wishing you a warm and prosperous new year! Remember, while the stormy weather can be tough, it’s only temporary, and a beautiful spring and summer is awaiting us soon!

ResourcesEv Winningham