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What Do the Wealthy Want? Real Estate Of Course!

In a recent article on Think Advisor"Global Wealthy Want More Real Estate," Michael S. Fischer breaks down the latest Savills/Wealth Briefing survey, which reveals that "private bankers and wealth managers found that 91% of global high-net-worth [HNW] investors were looking to increase or maintain the real estate holdings they own directly, and 87% intended to increase or maintain indirect holdings."

Some key statistics, indicated by the chart below, show that 72% of wealth managers' clients plan to purchase residential properties in the next five years and that "North America was the choice investment destination of investors."

Harriet Davies, who wrote a statement for the survey, said "demand for property is not only being driven by low interest rates," which are bound to increase in the current climate, but "structural shifts mean that real estate is likely to grow in importance for HNW investors." Thus "it is crucial that advisors understand the evolving role of real estate in portfolios," and for the real estate industry to embrace these market trends.