What's Driving Expedia's Big Regional Relocation?

Longtime Bellevue resident, Expedia, is hopping across the lake to Seattle proper by 2018. Careful not to create an "either-or" situation between the two cities, Bellevue City Manager Brad Miyake described Expedia’s move as “a real estate decision — pure and simple.”

The move seems to be a part of a much larger, growing trend of tech companies expanding their operations within the Seattle city limits; Amazon and Facebook also have both recently announced huge expansion projects. Along with the move to the soon-to-be ex-Amgen campus, Expedia also plans to add another 1,500 positions to its already 3,000 strong, employee base.

Time will also tell on how the move will affect the traffic and commute for area residents, as the nearly 75% of the company's employees living on the Eastside will now have to traverse an already overcrowded corridor to Interbay.

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